

State of emergency in India (1976)

  • Date / 1976
  • Location / India
  • Ratifying Body / Board of Directors
  • Status / Archived

The Board of Directors of the International Humanist & Ethical Union notes with grave concern that, exactly a year after the declaration of a state of emergency, the Indian people continue to be deprived of fundamental rights and liberties which are enshrined in their Constitution and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – such as equality before the law (article 14), protection of life and property (article 21), protection against arbitrary arrest and detention (article 22), and freedom of speech, expression and peaceful assembly. Tens of thousands of people continue to be held in prison without knowing the grounds for their arrest and without the public knowing about their detention. They have no recourse to any process of law or right of habeas corpus. Indeed, within the past fortnight a fresh ordinance has been issued extending the Government’s powers of detention without charge from one to two years, and new arrests are still being made.

The International Humanist & Ethical Union appeals to the Indian Government to revoke the emergency, to release all political prisoners, and to restore fundamental rights. In asking for such a restoration of basic freedoms, the IHEU is motivated solely by a deep concern for human rights which is consistent with its aim of promoting fellowship and liberty throughout the world.

Board of Directors 1976

Suggested academic reference

'State of emergency in India (1976)', Humanists International, Board of Directors, 1976

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