

UNESCO and Human Rights

  • Date / 1952
  • Location Ratified / Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Ratifying Body / World Humanist Congress
  • Status / Pending-review

The congress considering that humanism and ethical culture are particularly interested in a free and complete development of all human beings, resolves that the First International Congress on Humanism and Ethical Culture commends the work of UNESCO and further that it endorses the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Genocide Convention and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms as essential steps towards international justice and decency in a free world,

resolves further that the First International Congress on Humanism and Ethical Culture request the directors of the International Humanist Association to apply to UNESCO for approval of that organization as a non-governmental organization with consultative status and suggests the appointment by the directors of a representative of the International Association to the UNESCO Conference to be held in Paris on and after November 10, 1952, resolves further that the Congress urge upon all members of the Humanist and Ethical Societies everywhere active efforts to implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and, if the Genocide convention end the European convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms are not yet ratified by their respective countries, it urges upon them active efforts to secure such ratification,

resolves further that in behalf of world understanding this congress approve the idea of free trade in books and periodicals and urge upon members of Ethical and Humanist Societies to secure the ratification by their several countries of the United Nations Convention on books and periodicals, viz., “Agreement on the importation of educational, scientific, and cultural materials”.

IHEU congress 1952

Suggested academic reference

'UNESCO and Human Rights', Humanists International, World Humanist Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1952

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