

Protection of the Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Intersex, Queer and Asexual (LGBTI+) persons under The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  • Date / 2018
  • Location Ratified / Auckland, New Zealand
  • Ratifying Body / General Assembly
  • Status / Current


The long-standing commitment of humanists to the assertion and protection of the human rights of LGBTI+ people as protected under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all other instruments

Recognising that

In most countries LGBTI+ persons are subjected to violations of their human rights.

The extra risk faced by LGBTI+ persons in situations of abuse or conflict due to their marginalization

The increased need for support from the governments and institutions to overcome systemic discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.

The United Nations Human Rights Committee affirms that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights encompasses equality for LGBTI+ persons and that all are equal before the law and are entitled without discrimination to equal protection of the law.

In most countries LGBTI+ persons face discrimination at many levels, including:

In some countries even where some LGBTI+ rights are respected, there remain problems of intersectional recognition or support, for example faced by older LGBTI+ persons or LGBTI+ ethnic minorities or LGBTI+ persons who are members of religious communities.


The United Nations and other international bodies to:

National governments to:

Humanist organisations and other NGOs to:

  1. Work to endorse, defend and promote the human rights of LGBTI+ persons
  2. Promote awareness of the barriers and forms of discrimination that LGBTI+ persons face and how to counter these.
  3. Enact and enforce policies combating discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.


General Assembly, Auckland, 2018

Suggested academic reference

'Protection of the Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Intersex, Queer and Asexual (LGBTI+) persons under The Universal Declaration of Human Rights', Humanists International, General Assembly, Auckland, New Zealand, 2018

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