
Humanists International elects new Board Members and welcomes new organizations in Singapore

  • post Type / Members and partners
  • Date / 10 September 2024

Humanists International, together with its Member, Humanist Society Singapore, hosted the annual General Assembly and International Humanist Conference in Singapore from 30 August to 1 September 2024.

Over 70 humanist delegates from more than 30 countries attended the annual gathering. The International Humanist Conference, organized by Humanist Society Singapore, focused on the theme of interfaith and secularism. The conference featured presentations and panel discussions that explored the complex relationship between religion, belief, and secularism in today’s world.

During the General Assembly, which took place the following day, Members and Associates elected new Board Members and ratified new humanist organizations.

Yvan Dheur was elected as the new treasurer of Humanists International. David Pineda, Mary Jane Quiming, and Leo Igwe were also elected to board positions. All elected board members will serve a three-year term from 2024 to 2027.

Additionally, several new organizations were welcomed into the Humanists International network. Humanesia (Indonesia), Humanists Malaysia, and Union des Familles Laïques (France) were officially recognized as Members, while Humanist Association of Northern Nigerian (Nigeria), Central Ontario Humanists Association (Canada), Secular Humanists – gbs Rhine Neckar (Germany), and Oniros Philosophie Foundation (Colombia) were ratified as Associates.

Roslyn Mould, Vice-President of Humanists International, in her closing remarks, said:

“As we leave this beautiful city, let us carry the spirit of this General Assembly with us. Let us return to our homes and workplaces with renewed energy and determination. Let us continue to work together, to build a world where everyone can live a life of dignity, freedom, and fulfillment.”

The 2024 Distinguished Services to Humanism Award recipients were Joanna Williams from Humanists Malta, Kat Parker from Secular Rescue, and Norhaiyah Mahmood from Humanist Society Singapore. This Award recognizes the contributions of humanist activists to international humanism and to organised humanism.

The next General Assembly is scheduled to be held in Luxembourg in July 2025, hosted by Humanists International’s Member, AHA Luxembourg. To be first to hear about the conference, sign up to receive our newsletter here.

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