
Advocacy statements

Democracy in Venezuela

  • Date / 2024
  • Location / Venezuela
  • Relevant Institution / UN Human Rights Council
  • UN Item / Item 3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights


Humanists International

 57th Session of the UN Human Rights Council (9 September – 11 October 2024)

 Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the International Fact-Finding Mission for Venezuela

 Speaker: Leon Langdon


Mr President,

We thank the Fact-Finding Mission for itsimportant report on Venezuela. The Mission’s observations on the closing of civic space are incredibly troubling.[1] The multi-pronged approach of harassment, criminalization, and the arrest of activists and human rights defenders is extremely worrying, and the so-called anti-NGO law passed on August 15th epitomizes this.[2]

As the Fact-Finding Mission notes, much of this intensified repression has come in the wake of the July elections in the country.[3] We are dismayed that the “repressive apparatus” of the State — identified by the Mission in December last year as a latent threat — has been re-activated by the Government in a harsh crackdown on civilian protestors with the involvement of police and the military.[4] The use of sexual violence as a method of repression and torture of those in detention, as documented by the Fact-Finding Mission, is abhorent.[5] We call on Venezuela to investigate all allegations of sexual violence and to bring perpetrators to justice. To this end, we also urge Member States to renew the mandate of the Fact-Finding Mission, as the human rights violations in Venezuela may amount to crimes against humanity and cannot be ignored.[6]

The election results themselves have been widely and credibly reported to be fraudulent, including by the Organisation of American States, and the leader of the opposition has been forced to flee the country.[7] Humanists International calls on the Venezuelan Government and election authorities to provide documentary evidence of the results of the election and to submit to international monitoring.

For democracy to flourish it must be underpinned by the rule of law and the principle of equality under the law for all. Freedom of expression must include the right to openly criticize political parties, leaders, and policies. We urge the Venezuelan Government to recommit to the democratic will of the people, and to cease repression of and violence against peaceful protestors.

Thank you

[1] A/HRC/57/57 99-103

[2] A/HRC/57/57 102; https://www.civicus.org/index.php/media-resources/news/interviews/7255-venezuela-the-government-wants-a-civil-society-aligned-with-its-interests-tamed-and-silent.

[3] A/HRC/57/57 3

[4] A/HRC/57/57 34

[5] A/HRC/57/57 93-99

[6] A/HRC/57/57 104-105

[7] https://edition.cnn.com/2024/09/08/americas/venezuela-opposition-candidate-gonzalez-spain-intl-hnk/index.html

Suggested academic reference

'Democracy in Venezuela', Humanists International

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