
Advocacy statements

Inclusive education systems and ending discrimination against people with disabilities

  • Date / 2014
  • Relevant Institution / UN Human Rights Council
  • UN Item / Item 5: Human rights bodies and mechanisms


United Nations Human Rights Council, 25th Session (3rd – 28th March 2014)

Annual discussion on Human Rights of persons with disabilities

Speaker: Hannah Bock, International Representative for IHEU

Thank you, Mr President.

We thank the High Commissioner and her Office, as well as the Taskforce (Accessibility at UN), for their significant efforts in improving accessibility here at the UN over the past year. Furthermore, I would like to welcome my elected home country, Switzerland, as a new member who signed up to UN CRPD, and to offer my support in the upcoming challenges surrounding inclusion.[1]

“The right to education is a universal right, recognised by international human rights law”[2], and is the key to progress and development. In her report, the High Commissioner said: “Inclusive education is socially important because it provides a sound platform for countering stigmatization and discrimination. A mixed learning environment that includes persons with disabilities allows their contributions to be valued, and prejudices and misconceptions to be progressively challenged and dismantled.”[3]

We would like therefore, to draw attention to the fact that inclusion is not a one-way-street, and suggest that the inclusion of people with impairments or physical disabilities in the mainstream schooling system is only a first step in this process. To achieve real inclusion, it must apply to all: those with disabilities and those without.

According to article 19 of UN CRPD, people with a disability should be supported to live independently and to be included in the community. We welcome efforts by states like Finland, Norway, and Sweden to break down barriers[4]. In line with article 24, we urge states do more to ensure that persons with disabilities receive education in mainstream schools, and implement, where necessary, no-rejection clauses in their education policy. We note the recent case study of Cambodia where sign language and braille are taught in mainstream schools to sensitize the able-bodied students as well as enabling the disabled.[5]

The idea of reducing discrimination is supported by the Plan of Action for the implementation of the UN CRPD[6]. Saarland in Germany, which took the first step towards inclusion year ago by including the education of able-bodies and disabled children, provides a positive case study in this area. I have seen children there searching for different means of communication and, in this way, breaking down the barriers. And more than that, disabled children with hearing were trying to learn sign language from deaf children because they were all under the same roof.

Ladies and Gentleman, Excellencies, part of the solution to breaking the artificial and unnecessary barriers between the able-bodied and those with disabilities is to give people, and especially children, the possibility of educating one another in their everyday lives.

Thank you.


[1]  http://www.humanrights.ch/de/Schweiz/Inneres/Gruppen/Behinderte/idart_8343-content.html

[2]  http://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ohchr.org%2FEN%2FHRBodies%2FHRC%2FRegular- Sessions%2FSession25%2FDocuments%2FAnnualinteractivepersonswithdisabilities.doc

[3]  A/HRC/25/29, §8

[4] A/HRC/25/28 III ff

[5] A/HRC/25/28 V, No. 65; http://www.eine-schule-fuer-alle.info/downloads/13-62-439/KStA_Bericht_Geb%C3%A4rdensprachprojekt_10-01-09.pdf

[6] http://www.saarland.de/dokumente/thema_soziales/Aktionsplan_Web.pdf

Suggested academic reference

'Inclusive education systems and ending discrimination against people with disabilities', Humanists International

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