
Advocacy statements

Statement on Romania’s Universal Periodic Review

  • Date / 2023
  • Location / Romania
  • Relevant Institution / UN Human Rights Council
  • UN Item / Universal Periodic Review


Humanists International

54th Session of the UN Human Rights Council (11 September to 13 October 2023)

UPR Outcome of Romania


Mr President.

I make this statement on behalf of Humanists International and the Romanian Secular-Humanist Association.

Whilst Romania has made strides in the area of freedom of religion and belief, as the nation becomes increasingly diverse it is crucial to step up action on addressing discrimination and intolerance against religious and non-religious minorities. Accordingly, whilst we were pleased to see the acceptance of a number of provisions on the protection of the rights of vulnerable groups, which included people of different religions and beliefs, we were disappointed by the rejection of a proposal on adopting a comprehensive national strategy to this end.[1]

Along with ensuring Freedom of Religion and Belief for all, we urge Romania to amend its current national strategy on combating hate speech, to make it all-encompassing and inclusive. It should be widened to include people of all beliefs, ethnicities, genders, and sexual orientations. Whilst tackling hate, the strategy must also ensure recognition of the importance of the fundamental right to free expression, as per the United Nations Rabat Plan of Action.[2]

A nation that recognises the rich tapestry of its inherent diversity and ensures equality for all its citizens is stronger, more harmonious, and just. We remain committed to collaborating with Romania and the international community to foster a society where human rights are universally respected, protected, and upheld.

Thank you.


[1] Recommendation 109.243, A/HRC/54/7

[2] Rabat Plan of Action on the prohibition of advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence,  Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), 2012.

Thank you.


Suggested academic reference

'Statement on Romania's Universal Periodic Review', Humanists International

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