
Advocacy statements

UPR outcome of Malta

  • Date / 2024
  • Location / Malta
  • Relevant Institution / UN Human Rights Council
  • UN Item / Universal Periodic Review


Humanists International

UN Human Rights Council, 56th session (18 June –12 July 2024)

UPR Outcome of Malta

Speaker: Mirane Vella

Mr President,

I make this statement on behalf of Humanists International and Humanists Malta.

While many, including the Prime Minister, believe Malta to be a secular state, significant evidence points to the contrary. The Catholic Church still holds a unique position of influence under the Constitution and is routinely favoured by state institutions while enjoying exclusive exceptions to the law.

The elevated position of this influence has delayed much-needed change in Malta, where we have no comprehensive sexual health policy; have not decriminalised abortion, nor addressed assisted dying. Under a 1993 Vatican Concordat, Catholic schools, largely funded by the state, are not obliged to provide any comprehensive sexuality education – which, even in state schools, is patchy and often filtered through teachers’ belief that they should uphold Catholic dogma, which emphasises abstinence. Ethics education is only taught to those whose parents refuse the usual Catholic instruction.

As a result,[1] teenage pregnancy rates are the highest in Southern Europe; Maltese teenagers are some of least likely to use contraceptives; and Malta has the highest rates of syphilis, and one of the highest rates of HIV, in the EU. While we welcome Malta’s commitment in the UPR to establishing comprehensive sexuality education, the government must ensure its availability to all. Moreover, we are deeply disappointed at the refusal to accept provisions related to decriminalizing abortion, which contravenes all international standards on realizing the rights of women.

Additionally, Malta has still not established a national human rights institution nor adopted a consolidated law on equality and anti-discrimination. We welcome Malta’s acceptance of recommendations in both these areas and urge the government to implement them without delay.

We hope these facts put into perspective the Maltese government’s response to the UPR, and that further pressure will be put on Malta’s adherence to the principles of equality and freedom of thought.

Thank you

[1] https://www.doctorsforchoice.mt/post/malta-has-the-highest-teen-birth-rate-in-southern-europe

Suggested academic reference

'UPR outcome of Malta', Humanists International

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