| Name | Website | Email | Phone | Country | |
| Accra Atheists | www.accraatheists.org (Main) | accraatheists@gmail.com | | Ghana | ViewMap |
| Advocacy For Alleged Witches | | ingyedooyum619@gmail.com | | Nigeria | ViewMap |
| Alliance of Humanists, Atheists and Agnostics | http://www.aha.lu (Main) | info@aha.lu | (+352) 621 299 913 | Luxembourg | ViewMap |
| Ambedkar Social Institute | http://www.ambedkarsocialinstitute.com (Main) | asijharkhand@gmail.com | | India | ViewMap |
| American Atheists | http://www.atheists.org (Main) | nfish@atheists.org | 908.276.7300 | United States | ViewMap |
| American Ethical Union | http://www.aeu.org (Main) | office@aeu.org | + 1 212 873 6500 | United States | ViewMap |
| American Humanist Association | http://www.americanhumanist.org (Main) | ncarr@americanhumanist.org | + 1 202 238 9088 | United States | ViewMap |
| Argentinian Ethical-Humanist Association "Deodoro Roca" | http://www.asociacionhumanista.com.ar (Main) | hstarargentina@gmail.com | +54 261 4203836 | Argentina | ViewMap |
| Association for Republicanism and Secularism | http://www.laicidade.org/ (Main) | geral@laicidade.org | +351 967602616 | Portugal | ViewMap |
| Association of Atheism, Turkey | https://www.ateizmdernegi.org.tr/ (Main) | iletisim@ateizmdernegi.org.tr | | Turkey | ViewMap |
| Association of Black Humanists | https://www.facebook.com/AssociationBlackHumanists/ (Main) | abhumanists@gmail.com | | United Kingdom | ViewMap |
| Atheists In Kenya Society | https://www.atheistsinkenya.org/ (Main) | hello@atheistsinkenya.org | +254 799 919 666 | Kenya | ViewMap |
| Atheists United | http://www.atheistsunited.org (Main) | evan@atheistsunited.org | | United States | ViewMap |
| Bogotá Atea | | bogota@ateos.co | | Colombia | ViewMap |
| Brighton Humanists | https://brightonhumanists.org/ (Main) | info@brightonhumanists.org | | United Kingdom | ViewMap |
| Burmese Atheists | www.burmeseatheists.org (Main) | admin@heinhtetkyaw.com | | Myanmar | ViewMap |
| Canadian Humanist Publications | http://humanistperspectives.org (Main) | manager@humanistperspectives.org | + 1 613 749 89 29 | Canada | ViewMap |
| Capital District Humanist Society | https://www.humanistsociety.net (Main) | cdhs.albany@gmail.com | +1 (518) 533 - 2666 | United States | ViewMap |
| Central London Humanists | https://www.centrallondonhumanists.org.uk (Main) | info@centrallondonhumanists.org.uk | +44.2030 698400 | United Kingdom | ViewMap |
| Central Ontario Humanists Association | https://www.cohumanists.ca (Main) | debbie@cohumanists.ca | | Canada | ViewMap |
| Centre d'Action Laïque | http://www.laicite.be (Main) | cal@laicite.net | + 32 2 627 68 11 | Belgium | ViewMap |
| Children's Spaces | https://childrens-spaces.com/es (Main) | blogger@childrens-spaces.com | 573104807953 | Colombia | ViewMap |
| Conway Hall Ethical Society | http://www.ethicalsoc.org.uk (Main) | jim@ethicalsoc.org.uk | + 44 20 7242 8031 | United Kingdom | ViewMap |
| Council of Australian Humanist Societies | http://www.humanist.org.au/ (Main) | president@humanist.org.au | +61 408945360 | Australia | ViewMap |
| Council of Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka | https://www.cemsl.org (Main) | cemsl.org@proton.me | 94776660007 | Sri Lanka | ViewMap |
| Coventry and Warwickshire Humanists | https://cwhumanists.org/ (Main) | cwhumanists@gmail.com | Tel. 01926 854930 | United Kingdom | ViewMap |
| Czech Humanists | https://www.humanists.cz/ (Main) | contact@humanists.cz | | Czech Republic | ViewMap |
| Danish Humanist Society | http://www.humanistisksamfund.dk (Main) | tbs@hs.dk | +45 42 43 20 10 | Denmark | ViewMap |
| deMens.nu | http://www.demens.nu (Main) | info@demens.nu | + 32 2 735 81 92 | Belgium | ViewMap |
| Dorset Humanists | http://www.dorsethumanists.co.uk (Main) | chairman@dorsethumanists.co.uk | +44 1202 768212 | United Kingdom | ViewMap |
| Estonian Humanist Centre | https://www.facebook.com/humanistid (Main) | meelis.piller@gmail.com | | Estonia | ViewMap |
| Ethical Society of Zambia | https://ethicalsocietyzambia.blogspot.com (Main) | ethicalsocietyzambia@gmail.com | | Zambia | ViewMap |
| ETHOS Slovakia | https://sekularisti.sk/ (Main) | ethos@sekularisti.sk | | Slovakia | ViewMap |
| Faithless Hijabi | www.faithlesshijabi.org (Main) | zarakay@faithlesshijabi.org | | Australia | ViewMap |
| Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations | | narenyen@gmail.com | +91-9822182466 | India | ViewMap |
| Filipino Freethinkers | https://filipinofreethinkers.org/ (Main) | kristinetanchan@gmail.com | | Philippines | ViewMap |
| Finnish Humanist Association | http://www.humanistiliitto.fi (Main) | info@humanistiliitto.fi | +358 40 504 3688 | Finland | ViewMap |
| Free Thought Association | www.fra.com.na (Main) | clementkaukuetu@gmail.com | | Namibia | ViewMap |
| Freedom Centre Uganda | https://www.facebook.com/fcmbarara/ (Main) | info.yfcuganda@gmail.com | +256 752 993625 | Uganda | ViewMap |
| Freethought Lebanon | https://www.freethoughtlebanon.net/ (Main) | contact@freethoughtlebanon.net | | Lebanon | ViewMap |
| Greater Manchester Humanists | http://gmh.humanist.org.uk/ (Main) | secretary@gmh.humanist.org.uk | 07734 953 244 | United Kingdom | ViewMap |
| Halton-Peel Humanist Community | http://www.hp-hc.ca (Main) | president@hp-hc.ca | (416) 802-9397 | Canada | ViewMap |
| Hispanic American Freethinkers | https://www.hafree.org (Main) | dtamayo@hafree.org | | United States | ViewMap |
| Humanesia | https://www.humanesia.id (Main) | halo@humanesia.id | | Indonesia | ViewMap |
| Humanist Alliance Philippines, International | http://hapihumanist.org/ (Main) | executive-committee@hapihumanist.org | +63939 942 8913 | Philippines | ViewMap |
| Humanist Association | https://www.humanistische-vereinigung.de/ (Main) | bauer@humanistische-vereinigung.de | | Germany | ViewMap |
| Humanist Association Austria | http://www.humanisten.at (Main) | info@humanisten.at | +43 2252 700438 | Austria | ViewMap |
| Humanist Association for Leadership, Equality and Accountability | http://www.haleauganda.org (Main) | haleauganda@gmail.com | | Uganda | ViewMap |
| Humanist Association of Germany | http://www.humanismus.de (Main) | vorstand@humanismus.de | +49 171 41 95 44 8 | Germany | ViewMap |
| Humanist Association of Ghana | http://ghanahumanists.org/ (Main) | hello@ghanahumanists.org | +233 261 106 315 | Ghana | ViewMap |