
Events Policies

COVID-19 Events Policy
February 2023

Humanists International is mindful of the need for careful consideration to make reasonable efforts to reduce the chance of spreading COVID-19 at its events, as well as making the events as accessible as possible to any individuals who may be immuno-compromised.

Humanists International will endeavor to make sure that all attendees at its events are made aware of the local laws and regulations for COVID-19, and given information and guidance about what to do if they develop symptoms or need further medical guidance.

Humanists International will pro-actively seek guidance from the relevant health authorities ahead of an in-person event, and will carefully consider any further actions needed to ensure compliance with the requirements.

Humanists International Events Code of Conduct
February 2023

Purpose and Scope of Policy
Humanists International aims to ensure that everyone attending our conferences and events can participate in them fully. We are committed to providing a safe and hospitable environment at our events and prohibit intimidating, threatening, or harassing conduct. This policy applies to speakers, board members, staff, volunteers, exhibitors, and delegates.

Please contact us
If you wish to report any incidents or behavior in violation of this policy, please contact our office at office@humanists.international, or by telephone on +442039230244, or by finding a member of the Humanists International team. We will take complaints seriously, and respond appropriately.
When there is a reasonable basis for believing the conduct is illegal, appropriate law enforcement authorities will be notified.

Reporting Hostile or Harassing Conduct; Investigations
Reports of hostile or harassing conduct will be promptly addressed. Where a report of hostile or harassing conduct is made to conference staff after the conduct has occurred, reasonable measures will be taken to establish the facts. This will typically include discussion with witnesses, if any, and the person accused of engaging in the prohibited conduct. Inquiries into hostile or harassing conduct will be carried out as confidentially as possible given the circumstances.

Humanists International will make a written record of all complaints/incidents as soon as practicable. These records will be used in connection with implementing this policy. These records will be held by Humanists International and will not be disclosed to individuals outside of the organization except as required by law.

Filming and photography
Humanists International seeks to record all our events where possible. If you would prefer to ensure that you will not be captured on camera, please contact office@humanists.international and we will make all reasonable accommodations.

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