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Young Humanists International / 10 September 2007

In the Spotlight: Lars-Petter Helgestad

IHEYOs Secretary-General Yemi Johnson in conversation with Lars-Petter Helgestad Yemi: Congratulations on the assumption of your office as the new…
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Young Humanists International / 10 September 2007

IHEYO’s renewed communication strategy

Fall 2006, IHEYO decided to rebuild its current website (www.iheyo.org) into a Content Management System1-powered webspot. While providing information on…
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Young Humanists International / 10 September 2007

Note from the Chief Editor

Hi all, As you will read in this newsletter, IHEYO has appointed a new Chief Editor. I want to grasp…
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Young Humanists International / 27 August 2007

Humanist Education

 The Continuum of Humanist Education is a project of the Institute for Humanist Studies (IHS). The Institute promotes greater public…
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Young Humanists International / 24 August 2007

Humanism in Asia

Humanist education and life stance are needed in our continent. Our education system and socio-economic-political situation discourages us to think…
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