

Equality for women

  • Date / 1978
  • Location Ratified / London, United Kingdom
  • Ratifying Body / World Humanist Congress
  • Status / Pending-review

Cognisant of the world-wide struggle for and value of equality for women, the United Nations, following International Women’s Year, declared an International Women’s decade in order to improve the conditions affecting women’s lives. With an awareness that equality for women and men is an essential part of all human rights, the IHEU reaffirms its commitment to the right of every woman to choose a way of life reflective of her personal needs, growth, development, and wishes.

Full and unrestricted freedom for women to make individual choices affecting marriage, family life, child-bearing, abortion, education, and career development, and to attain equal standards of employment, are essential to the democratic process. The IHEU again affirms the principles of women’s rights to equality and the freedom to choose. It urges its member organisations to employ all reasonable methods to ensure that these principles are implemented in order to encourage and assist the international community to commit itself to unreserved support of the rights of women.

IHEU Congress 1978

Suggested academic reference

'Equality for women', Humanists International, World Humanist Congress, London, United Kingdom, 1978

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