

Human rights in South Africa (1984)

  • Date / 1984
  • Location / South Africa
  • Ratifying Body / Board of Directors
  • Status / Archived


  1. The undue influence of the White Dutch Reformed Churches in South Africa over the South African government;
    That their moral and other values are imposed on South African society, on those who do not hold these values;
    That such people include those who are of other Christian denomination and those who have other religious beliefs as well as those who have no religious beliefs;
  2. The continuing denial of full civil rights to the majority of the people in South Africa;
  3. The banning of political, philosophical and theological literature is continuing in South Africa; Welcoming the existence of a humanist movement in South Africa;

    1. That Apartheid and other forms of discrimination of the grounds of race are against the principles of humanism;
    2. That the right to knowledge and to express opinions should not be impaired;
    3. That the right of objection to undertaking compulsory military service should be allowed not only on religious grounds but also on the grounds of humanist conscience;
    4. That the right to religious liberty should extend the right to humanists and others, and that the right of religious dissent should be fully protected by law; We, the Board of Directors of the International Humanist & Ethical Union, meeting in New York on July 8th 1984, therefore resolve:
      1. To call upon the Republic of South Africa to grant full civil rights and liberties to all the people of South Africa;
      2. To call on humanists in all countries to encourage peaceful and rapid progress within South Africa towards these aims.

Board of Directors 1984

Suggested academic reference

'Human rights in South Africa (1984)', Humanists International, Board of Directors, 1984

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