

International education year (1969)

  • Date / 1969
  • Ratifying Body / Executive Committee
  • Status / Archived

The Executive Committee of the IHEU at its meeting June 6, 1969 endorses the Resolution adopted at the 15th General Conference of UNESCO designating 1970 International Education Year, and the decision of the United Nations 23rd General Assembly that the United Nations and its family of organisations co-operate with UNESCO in this fundamental endeavour.

We will take responsibility to encourage our member organisations to give emphasis locally, nationally and internationally to International Education Year. We call attention particularly to the following sections in the UNESCO Resolution:

  1. To encourage educational authorities, public and private, to initiate such new activities as may be needed,
  2. To launch a program of action comprising practical measures for the elimination of all forms of discrimination and for the promotion of equality of opportunity and treatment in education, and to integrate it in their educational development plans.
  3. To propose for this purpose to Member States, the International Organisations of the United Nations System and the other Governmental andnon-Governmental International Organisations the following major themes and objectives:
    1. Democratisation of secondary and higher education
    2. Promotion of ethical principles in higher education through the moral and civic education of youth, with a view to promoting international understanding and peace.

There is no more fitting way to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the United Nations than by adopting the aforesaid programme in which the role of youth can find full expression and the peoples of the world can develop their full potentialities.
The UNESCO Constitution states – “that since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed”. The emphasis of International Education Year can hasten the construction of these defences.

Executive Committee 1969

Suggested academic reference

'International education year (1969)', Humanists International, Executive Committee, 1969

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