The references to God proposed for inclusions in the preamble to the new constitutions for the German Federal Republic and the Land of Lower Saxony are a clear violation of the religious neutrality of the state. The debate on this issue has shown that the attempt to include a reference to God is founded on the representation of non-religious views as morally inferior.
The International Humanist & Ethical Union represents ethical humanist organisation around the world, whose millions of members deny a divine authority in their lives. Humanists accept that the norms and values which shape human life have been created and developed by humanity itself. And they believe that these values should be based on fundamental moral principles which cannot be arbitrarily rejected or changed. These principles have found expression in declarations on human rights.
In support of its German members, the IHEU makes the following points:
Presidents’ statement of February 17, 1994
'Proposed reference to God in the constitutions or the preamble to the constitutions of the German Federal republic and others (1994)', Humanists International, Board of Directors, 1994