The IHEU believes that knowledge is an essential for the achievement of world peace, for the solutions of the issues that confront the world community. Dedicated as it is to the widest dissemination of information and to the expansion of scientific research and moral knowledge the IHEU applauds, therefore, the establishment of a UN higher education and research within nations, the proposed UN University can bring to the world community a truly international perspective. If it comes into being on the basis of present plans, it can avoid the limitations of censorship, the narrowness of nationalism, and the crippling effects of bias. Above all, it can give attention to the development of the sciences, of knowledge about human relations, aiming toward the shared use of our planet for the mutual benefit of all.
Further, the IHEU in so far as it is able, pledge itself to co-operate with the proposed University. Inspired by its imaginative intellectual leadership as represented in the past by Sir John Boyd Orr, Julian Huxley, and Brock Chisholm, the IHEU has among its members many who can serve the high purposes for which the University is established. It also commits itself to disseminating to its members in various countries information about the University and reasons for its importance and support.
And, in so far as the University will require the understanding of the world community, the IHEU will work for achieving that understanding. Finally, when the University comes into being and its work requires avenues of communication to intellectual leadership in various nations and to citizens generally, the IHEU affirms its willingness to participate in programmes of world-wide education and communication, emerging from the work of the proposed UN University. We believe the project to be of high significance and so wish, publicly, to express our support.
Executive Committee 1973
'The proposed UN university (1973)', Humanists International, Executive Committee, 1973