The Honourable Cvijetin Mijatović, President
SFR Yugoslavia
The Presidency,
Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Dear Sir,
The IHEU wishes to register an emphatic protest against the treatment of one of its chairman, Mihailo Marković, and six of his fellow-professors at the University of Belgrade.
The institution of suspension and dismissal for political reasons is in contradiction with the international legal obligations of Yugoslavia, by signing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 1975 Helsinki Covenant on Security and Co-operation in Europe, and the Covenant of the International Confederation of Labour No. 111.
We feel obliged to bring your decisions and our objections to them to the notice of the intergovernmental organisations concerned, namely the United Nations, Unesco and the International Labour Organisation.
Letter from N.F.I. Schwarz, co-chairman, 16th March 1981
'Yugoslav Humanists (1981)', Humanists International, 1981