Your generosity will provide a lifeline to someone facing persecution as a result of their humanist beliefs or identity. Click the [+] button to find out more about each organization or group.
If your organization or group would like to make a contribution this year, please visit the campaign page or email
About the Freedom from Religion Foundation
The Freedom From Religion Foundation works as an umbrella for those who are free from religion and are committed to the cherished principle of separation of state and church. As FFRF’s principal founder Anne Gaylor noted, “To be free from religion is an advantage for individuals; it is a necessity for government.”
The purposes of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc., as stated in its bylaws, are to promote the constitutional principle of separation of state and church, and to educate the public on matters relating to nontheism.
Find out more online at: Freedom from Religion Foundation
Um Siðmennt
Siðmennt er félag siðrænna húmanista á Íslandi. Félagið er veraldlegt lífsskoðunarfélag og hefur að viðfangsefni þau viðhorf og lífsgildi sem eru persónulega mikilvæg og náin hverjum einstaklingi í leit að tilgangi og hamingju í lífinu. Siðrænir húmanistar leggja áherslu á að rækta siðræn gildi og þekkingarleit án vísana í yfirnáttúrleg fyrirbrigði. Siðmennt lítur svo á að sannfæringarfrelsi, trúfrelsi og tjáningarfrelsi teljist til almennra lýðréttinda. Þau skuli ná til allra og þau megi hvorki afnema né skerða undir neinum kringumstæðum.
Félagið var stofnað árið 1990 í kringum borgaralega fermingu en þróaðist fljótt í að vera fullgilt húmanískt félag með aðild að alþjóðasamtökum húmanista (e. Humanist International, HI). Hugtakið lífsskoðunarfélag (life stance organization) nær á alþjóðavísu yfir félög af bæði trúarlegri og veraldlegri sannfæringu og gerir ekki upp á milli þeirra. Siðferðismál, þekkingarfræði og fjölskyldan eru kjarni þeirra viðfangsefna sem Siðmennt sinnir. Félagið býður nú upp á athafnarþjónustu fyrir helstu tímamót lífsins; fæðingu, fermingu, hjónaband og lífslok.
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About Siðmennt
Siðmennt is an association of ethical humanists in Iceland. The society is a secular life-view society and its subject is the attitudes and values of life that are personally important and close to every person in search of purpose and happiness in life. Ethical humanists emphasize cultivating moral values and the search for knowledge without reference to supernatural phenomena. Civilization considers freedom of belief, freedom of religion and freedom of expression to be considered general democratic rights. They shall apply to everyone and they may not be abolished or reduced under any circumstances.
The association was founded in 1990 around civil confirmation, but quickly developed into a full-fledged humanist association with membership in Humanist International (HI). The term life stance organization internationally encompasses organizations of both religious and secular persuasion and does not distinguish between them. Moral issues, epistemology and the family are the core of the topics that Siðmennt deals with. The company now offers activity services for major milestones in life; birth, confirmation, marriage and end of life.
Find out more:
“We are lucky and thankful to live in an open society, where everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression as well as the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. However, in many countries, people still put themselves and their families at risk when they openly criticize prevailing religious dogmas. We want to help protect those individuals who fear for their life, their liberty, and their security of person when exercising their fundamental human rights.” Bob Reuter, President of AHA Luxembourg
About AHA Luxembourg
AHA Luxembourg (Allianz vun Humanisten, Atheisten und Agnostiker zu Lëtzebuerg) is a non-profit association that defends and promotes the interests of humanists, atheists, agnostics and other non-believers in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. They have been committed to (1) the separation of church and state, (2) the promotion of a naturalistic and rational worldview, (3) the development of humanistic ceremonies, and (4) the promotion of humanistic ways of life free from religious constraints. To find out more, visit:
About the Freedom from Religion Foundation
The Freedom From Religion Foundation works as an umbrella for those who are free from religion and are committed to the cherished principle of separation of state and church. As FFRF’s principal founder Anne Gaylor noted, “To be free from religion is an advantage for individuals; it is a necessity for government.”
The purposes of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc., as stated in its bylaws, are to promote the constitutional principle of separation of state and church, and to educate the public on matters relating to nontheism.
Find out more online at: Freedom from Religion Foundation
About Humanists Barbados
Humanists Barbados is a community of free thinking citizens who actively create and share meaningful lives outside the traditions of religion. We are dedicated to education in science, history, and human rights and the promotion of humanism for a more fair and equal society.
We endeavour to promote the key perspectives of Humanism which lend to a progressive and inclusive society. We strive to raise awareness within our society that humans without a traditional theistic worldview can live good and meaningful lives; and contribute to the advancement of the nation and advocate for social justice.
Find out more: Humanists Barbados
About Association of Black Humanists
Association of Black Humanists was established in 2012 to provide a hub by which we can have discussions and meet and contact like-minded people. As some of us are Atheists, freethinkers or Humanists already, others maybe coming to the conclusion that god and religion are having detrimental effects on our communities, but are understandably fearful of ostracism, ridicule or even threats to personal safety if they air their questions or opinions. Our main site is on where you can find our discussion forum and details of all upcoming events.
Association of Black Humanists is open to everyone and anyone and is a Democratic Forum where rational and controversial debate can be had. But saying this, Racist, Homophobic. Anti-Semitic, xenophobic, misogynistic or any nonconstructive comments or opinions will not be tolerated except within the context of a topic or Debate.
It is also an important opportunity for anyone from the Black and BME Communities to provide links to and from this Facebook page for other Secular, Humanist and Atheist groups in London and the rest of the UK or use the links to find out about or join those various organisations.
Find out more:
About the Evan Cornish Foundation
The Evan Cornish Foundation strives for equality and justice for all by supporting the most marginalised and promoting human rights. The foundation supports projects which fight injustice by combating violations of Human Rights (as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights), support the victims of these violations and their dependants, and empower people to protect their own human rights.
Find out more online at: Evan Cornish Foundation
Čeští humanisté
Spolek Čeští humanisté byl založen v roce 2022 za účelem zorganizování místních humanistů. Skupina zastává hodnoty moderního sekulárního humanismu jako je důraz na demokracii, dialog, racionalitu, sekulární etiku a jejím cílem je pomoc udržet tyto hodnoty v české společnosti. Zaměření skupiny je momentálně hlavně oblast duševního zdraví, svobody vyznání, LGBTQ práv a dalších lidských práv.
Pro více informací: Czech Humanists
Czech Humanists
The Association of Czech Humanists was founded in 2022 for the purpose of organizing local humanists. The group upholds the values of modern secular humanism, such as the emphasis on democracy, dialogue, rationality, and secular ethics, and its goal is to help maintain these values in Czech society. The focus of the group is currently mainly in the area of mental health, freedom of religion, LGBTQ rights and other human rights.
To find out more, visit: Czech Humanists
About Central London Humanists
Central London Humanists (CLH) is the local humanist group for anyone who lives, works or otherwise finds themselves in central London, or anyone from further away who wants to come along. The group meets several times a month for a variety of activities, such as:
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Um Siðmennt
Siðmennt er félag siðrænna húmanista á Íslandi. Félagið er veraldlegt lífsskoðunarfélag og hefur að viðfangsefni þau viðhorf og lífsgildi sem eru persónulega mikilvæg og náin hverjum einstaklingi í leit að tilgangi og hamingju í lífinu. Siðrænir húmanistar leggja áherslu á að rækta siðræn gildi og þekkingarleit án vísana í yfirnáttúrleg fyrirbrigði. Siðmennt lítur svo á að sannfæringarfrelsi, trúfrelsi og tjáningarfrelsi teljist til almennra lýðréttinda. Þau skuli ná til allra og þau megi hvorki afnema né skerða undir neinum kringumstæðum.
Félagið var stofnað árið 1990 í kringum borgaralega fermingu en þróaðist fljótt í að vera fullgilt húmanískt félag með aðild að alþjóðasamtökum húmanista (e. Humanist International, HI). Hugtakið lífsskoðunarfélag (life stance organization) nær á alþjóðavísu yfir félög af bæði trúarlegri og veraldlegri sannfæringu og gerir ekki upp á milli þeirra. Siðferðismál, þekkingarfræði og fjölskyldan eru kjarni þeirra viðfangsefna sem Siðmennt sinnir. Félagið býður nú upp á athafnarþjónustu fyrir helstu tímamót lífsins; fæðingu, fermingu, hjónaband og lífslok.
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About Siðmennt
Siðmennt is an association of ethical humanists in Iceland. The society is a secular life-view society and its subject is the attitudes and values of life that are personally important and close to every person in search of purpose and happiness in life. Ethical humanists emphasize cultivating moral values and the search for knowledge without reference to supernatural phenomena. Civilization considers freedom of belief, freedom of religion and freedom of expression to be considered general democratic rights. They shall apply to everyone and they may not be abolished or reduced under any circumstances.
The association was founded in 1990 around civil confirmation, but quickly developed into a full-fledged humanist association with membership in Humanist International (HI). The term life stance organization internationally encompasses organizations of both religious and secular persuasion and does not distinguish between them. Moral issues, epistemology and the family are the core of the topics that Siðmennt deals with. The company now offers activity services for major milestones in life; birth, confirmation, marriage and end of life.
Find out more:
“We are lucky and thankful to live in an open society, where everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression as well as the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. However, in many countries, people still put themselves and their families at risk when they openly criticize prevailing religious dogmas. We want to help protect those individuals who fear for their life, their liberty, and their security of person when exercising their fundamental human rights.”
About AHA Luxembourg
AHA Luxembourg (Allianz vun Humanisten, Atheisten und Agnostiker zu Lëtzebuerg) is a non-profit association that defends and promotes the interests of humanists, atheists, agnostics and other non-believers in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. They have been committed to (1) the separation of church and state, (2) the promotion of a naturalistic and rational worldview, (3) the development of humanistic ceremonies, and (4) the promotion of humanistic ways of life free from religious constraints. To find out more, visit:
“The Humanist Association of Ireland is happy to support Humanists International in the difficult work that they do to support Humanists at risk around the world. It is hard to understand in the 21st century how there are still countries where a person’s beliefs can be treated as a crime, and people are persecuted for their humanist beliefs.“
About the Humanist Association of Ireland
Humanism is a philosophy and the Humanist Association of Ireland is a community of people who believe in humanist principles and aspire to a fair, balanced, ethical and responsible secular society. The HAI advocates for the equal treatment of people of no religion by the State and provides a forum for people to meet, share experiences and develop their humanist ideals in an informal, friendly, and inclusive environment. To find out more, visit:
About the Ontario Humanist Society
The mission of the Ontario Humanist Society (OHS) is to practise and to foster humanism at the Provincial level by providing focus, service and a sense of ethical identity to humanists and humanist associations across Ontario in a manner consistent with humanist principles, practice and core values as stated in the Humanist Manifestos, Amsterdam Declaration and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Ontario Humanist Society is a group of Ontario-based Humanists with a passion for social justice, human rights, environmental action, science, reason, and artistic expression, who have established a provincially-based organization to complement the work of Humanist Canada and local Humanist groups.
To find out more, visit: the Ontario Humanist Society
About Prometheus Society of Slovakia
Promotheus Society of Slovakia (Spoločnosť Prometheus) is a humanist organization that works to protect the rights and interest of all people who do not subscribe to any religion and defends the freedom of thought, religion, or other BELIEFS or worldview in accordance with the Constitution of the Slovak Republic. The organization develops activities aimed at satisfying the specific cultural and spiritual needs of citizens without religious affiliation and spreads humanism and ethics at the national and international levels in collaboration with other humanist organizations from around the world. To find out more, visit:
AHA Luxembourg • American Atheists • Council of Australian Humanist Societies • • Freedom from Religion Foundation • Humanists Canada • Humanists Ottawa • Humanists of the San Joaquin Valley • Humanistische Vereinigung • Malta Humanist Association • Sidmennt • Stichting DNI Foundation • UU Humanists of Fresno • Watford Area Humanists
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