For its communication project, IHEYO is looking for 4 motivated volunteers.
IHEYO is the umbrella organisation for humanist youth organisations worldwide. We seek to stimulate exchange between these organisations, and support them as much as we can in their local and international endeavours. IHEYO advocates the interests of the young humanist community.
IHEYO has recently renewed its website ( and the design of the monthly newsletter YouthSpeak (, and we are still improving it. We are looking for volunteers who want to be part of this on-going process.
For instance, we intend to translate parts of our website in French, Spanish, or any other international language (Chinese, Arabic, Farsi, …). Secondly, as our website is a platform for discussion, we are continually expanding its functionalities. And finally, we are looking for contributors and people who want to join the editorial board for our newsletter YouthSpeak.
So, if you are committed to humanism or humanist values and want to contribute some of your time to a dynamic organisation of young people, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are particularly looking for volunteers who recognise themselves in any of the following:
you like to translate short and longer texts, or
you have a sharp pen, or
you want to build up experience in journalism, or
you want to try your web-editing skills on our website
you have some time to spare – anything from a few hours to a few days per month
Although IHEYO’s office is located in Brussels, Belgium, there will be no need for any displacements – any of these tasks can be managed via a simple internet connection.
More information on IHEYO can be found at, for more information on the activities or for applying as a volunteer, don’t hesitate to contact
Applications are awaited until the 20th of February, 2008.