

Since 1952 we have created policy positions on important global issues.

Our policies are passed in-line with our general statement of policy, agreed in 2015.

Here you can search our database of past and current policy papers, which guide the work of our organization.

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Policy / 2015 / Manila, Philippines / General Assembly / Current

General Statement of Policy

The General Assembly adopts the following IHEU General Statement of Policy of the International Humanist and Ethical Union as an…
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Policy / 2010 / Brussels, Belgium / General Assembly / Current

Education in schools

Education should fit the individual for life as a full participant in society, and teach self-respect and respect for the…
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Policy / 2010 / Brussels, Belgium / General Assembly / Pending Review

Education in Schools

Education should fit the individual for life as a full participant in society, and teach self-respect and respect for the…
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Policy / 1992 / Ireland / Amsterdam, Netherlands / World Humanist Congress / Archived

Religious education in Northern Ireland (1992)

The International Humanist & Ethical Union condemns the new Common Syllabus for Religious Education in Northern Ireland, which comes into…
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Policy / 1982 / Hanover, Federal Republic of Germany / World Humanist Congress / Current

Young People

The International Humanist & Ethical Union, assembled at its 8th World Congress in Hanover, Federal Republic of Germany, August 1-5,…
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Policy / 1973 / Executive Committee / Archived

The proposed UN university (1973)

The IHEU believes that knowledge is an essential for the achievement of world peace, for the solutions of the issues…
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Policy / 1968 / Board of Directors / Archived

Student revolts (1968)

We recognise the great importance for society at large, and for those directly involved, of the justified demands of students…
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