
Baltic Humanist Conference

  • post Type / Conferences
  • Date / 28 July 2006

State, Secularism and the Humanist Challenge – Stockholm, Sweden, Friday 10 – Sunday 12 November 2006

Register online at the Humanisterna web site.

Session Themes include Secularism and the Modern State; World Value Survey and the Baltic Sea Region; State and Church in Northern Europe; Secularism, Tolerance and the Freedom of Speech; Humanism and the Media; The Struggle for Moral Education without Religion; The Meaning of Humanism, Secularism, Religion and other Life Stance related concepts.

Participation from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden.

Conference speakers to include Ministers, Politicans, Academics and Humanist Activists.

Conference co-organised by the Swedish Humanist Association (Humanisterna), Norwegian Humanist Association (Human-Etisk Forbund), European Humanist Federation (EHF) and International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU).

See also: the conference programme.

For further details and to register, write to Staffan Gunnarson at staffan.gunnarson@online.no

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