2021 Humanism Conference program announced
14 August 2021 - start at 2PM (BST)
14 August 2021 - start at 2PM (BST)
On 14 August Humanists International will hold its very first online conference on the theme “Humanism in time of crisis”. It will be a moment to reflect upon the response of the global humanist community to the global COVID-19 emergency.
The last 20 months have been incredibly hard for the global humanist community and for humanity as a whole. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic put to test our societies, our economies and our shared feeling of belonging. However, desperation and resignation did not prevail. Humanists all around the world stood true (and are still standing true) to the fundamental values of humanism, such as reason, science, democracy, and empathy. Thanks to global cooperation, investment in scientific research and individual efforts, humanity now sees a glimmer of light at the end of this tunnel.
Ten renowned humanist speakers will intervene at this conference, which will be a moment to look back at the last two years of fight against the virus, praising the courage of humanist activists around the world and reflecting upon the importance of the humanist worldview in times of crisis like the one we are living in today.