
India: Humanists sign open letter on behalf of Narendra Nayak


  • post Type / Action Alert - Live
  • Date / 8 July 2024

Across the globe, humanists have taken action in solidarity with prominent Indian rationalist, Narendra Nayak. The open letter calls for the reinstatement of Nayak’s 24-hour protection detail after more than 15 months.

Narendra Nayak, Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations

Narendra Nayak – a biochemist by training – is the President of the Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations who has for decades campaigned within his community against superstition, exposing so-called ‘God men’ as fraudsters and advocating for the upholding of secularism in a country that has witnessed a sharp rise in Hindu nationalist rhetoric over the last decade.

According to documentation reviewed by Humanists International, on 4 March 2023, Nayak received notification from the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) in Mangalore that he would henceforth be required to pay for his protection detail.

Although a prominent figure in the rationalist community, Nayak does not have the means to pay for this vital protection. He expressed his grave concerns to the DCP, explaining that the loss of his protection would amount to “an open invitation to all those forces who want to finish me.”

Despite these legitimate concerns, on 30 March 2023 Nayak’s protection detail was withdrawn. Nayak remains at imminent risk, as he continues to face serious, credible threats to his life and ongoing smear campaigns.

Sign the Open Letter

Dear Honourable Chief Minister

RE: Petition for the reinstatement of security for Narendra Nayak

It has now been more than 15 months since the security detail of prominent rationalist Narendra Nayak was withdrawn. 

As a result of a career spent challenging superstition in the country - Nayak was placed under 24-hour police protection. In 2016, Nayak’s name was found to be on a ‘hit list’ of prominent rationalist and activist figures. He had been placed under surveillance by his would-be assailants. This police detail remained in place until 30 March 2023 when it was removed with less than four weeks’ warning, despite persistent credible threats to his life and smear campaigns spread on social media. 

In a country witnessing an acute rise in Hindu nationalist rhetoric over the last decade, Mr Nayak - the President of the Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations - has campaigned within his community against superstition, exposing so-called ‘God men’ as fraudsters and advocating for the upholding of secularism.

Article 21 of the Indian Constitution imposes a duty on the State to protect human life, despite this, when it became clear that Mr Nayak could not and would not assume the costs associated with his protection detail, it was withdrawn. 

We need not remind you of the credibility of the threats that such ‘hit lists’ pose, in light of the murders of such renowned Indian rationalists as Narendra Dhaboklhar, M. M. Kalburgi and Govind Pansare, as well as the murder of renowned journalist Gauri Lankesh.

In light of the above, we, the undersigned, write to urge your offices to reinstate the security detail of Indian rationalist Narendra Nayak status quo ante.


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