In 2020 we will support 12 humanist projects across the world
We awarded a total of £36,000 to support the projects of 12 Members and Associates in different areas of the world. Here they are!
We awarded a total of £36,000 to support the projects of 12 Members and Associates in different areas of the world. Here they are!
Humanists International and Young Humanists International are glad to announce the 12 projects awarded with a grant within the 2020 Growth & Development Plan.
As you might recall, last year we announced with great advance all our Grants for 2020:
For the Humanist Development Grants we have received 18 applications for a total of £83,655, which is more than four times the available budget. After a careful evaluation of all proposals, Humanists International has awarded the following 8 projects:
Creation of a new website displaying portraits of humanists from all around with their motivation behind their humanism. The project takes inspiration from the #YoungFeministVision project. Filipino Freethinkers will also create a short video to record the “vibe” of 2020 World Humanist Congress in Miami, from 6 to 9 August
Think is a volunteer-led charity co-founded in 2019 by Bonya Ahmed and Imtiaz Shams, two brave and incredibly talented humanist activists. By creating educational videos in several languages, Think’s goal is to spread scientific knowledge and humanist values all around the world, especially in those part of the world where humanism, scientific research and free thought are hindered by disinformation and regressive movements.
The second Latin American Freethinkers Meeting will be held in Colombia, in the beautiful city of Pereira, from 16 to 18 July. Humanists International will be supporting the event with a grant of £1000 to record and stream the event online, like we did back in 2018 for the first Encuentro in Arequipa, Peru. Have a look at the videos from the first Meeting on YouTube.
“Taip” kitaip is an Associate of Humanists International from Lithuania. The name of the organisation is a word pun and it means: “An alternative way to say ‘yes'”, referring to the the sentence “Yes, I do” used during marriages. After the amazing success obtained with the celebration of humanist ceremonies in Lithuania, now “Taip” kitaip will set in place a new project, meant to start celebrating humanist funerals in the country.
One of the top projects of the Secular Humanist Society of Peru is “Para normales de la noche”, a vodcast on critical thinking in Spanish made available on the FM radio, social networks and Spotify. Humanists International will help deliver new episodes of the series, including one episode on international humanism and the situation of humanists at risk around the world.
Humanists International will fund Humanists Guatemala’s most successful activities, including the critical thinking podcast “Trece Punto Siete“, the series of events “Ideas & Chelas”, the Book Club “Club de Lectura”, etc.
Kazimierz Lyszczynski Foundation will use this grant to conceive and launch a new campaign on the right to die with dignity, with the ultimate goal of lobbying the Polish Parliament in order to pass a law on assisted suicide and euthanasia.
Humanists International will fund a series of workshops on humanism, secularism and critical thinking organised by our Indian Associate Ambedkar Social Institute, based in Giridih, in the state of Jharkhand.
For the Young Humanist Grants we have received 11 applications for a total of £34,106, which is more than two times the available budget. After a careful evaluation of all proposals, Humanists International has awarded the following 4 projects, one in each world region (Americas, Asia, Africa, Europe):
Children’s Spaces will use this grant to both consolidate their YouTube channel and to create a new Tik Tok channel with videos on humanism and critical thinking conceived specifically for kids and teenagers.
Filipino Freethinkers will organise the annual Asian Humanism Conference, held last year in Singapore with the support of one Young Humanists International’s grants. The Asian Humanism Conference will be held in November 2020, in Manila: humanist and secular activists from all over Asia will gather together in the capital of the Philippines to discuss regional and global issues, attend workshops, etc.
South African Secular Society (SASS) regularly receives complaints from secular humanist parents about the negative effects of religion being taught in their children’s public schools. SASS’s ambitious project is to develop a critical thinking course as part of the South African education curriculum.
Humanist Society Scotland‘s project aims to produce short video media, which summarises the key points of the Amsterdam Declaration for use on social media and in school, college and university engagement. The target audience for this media is be <26. Humanist Society Scotland aims to produce between 5 and 10 short media clips (less than 2 minutes each) which cover a different aspect of the Amsterdam Declaration and how humanists approach moral or ethical issues in line with the Declarations key points.