
At UN, Humanists call attention to war crimes in Myanmar

  • post Type / Advocacy News
  • Date / 17 July 2024

At the 56th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, Humanists International and Burmese Atheists have delivered a statement of solidarity with civilians in Myanmar, who are facing persecution by both the military junta and the Arakan Army.

The statement was delivered by Humanists International’s Advocacy Officer, Leon Langdon, in an Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Tom Andrews. It was delivered by a representative of Humanists International rather than of Burmese Atheists due to concerns around safety and security, including the risk of reprisals for those currently in, or with family in, Myanmar.

Highlighted were the human rights abuses committed by various armed groups in the country. On the one hand, the military regime has continued its campaign of widespread arrest, torture, and abuse, as well as extrajudicial killings, of civilians. On the other hand, the Arakan Army, who are fighting against the military regime in Arakan State, are also reported to have destroyed civilian homes, and have been using worrying, dehumanizing rhetoric. The statement called for an independent investigation into potential war crimes by the Arakan Army.

Humanists International’s Advocacy Officer, Leon Langdon, delivers the statement by video

Above all, Burmese Atheists and Humanists International expressed their solidarity with civilians of all faiths and none, and ethnicities, who have been targeted and victimized by all sides. According to the UN Resident Coordinator, over 5000 people have been killed since the 2021 coup, and over 3 million displaced.

The Special Rapporteur has published numerous full UN Reports, in addition to conference papers. Most recently, the Mandate urged robust support for women, girls and LGBT people in post-coup Myanmar, and has previously examined the arms trade that has allowed banks and companies to profit from the conflict.

Featured photo by Andrew PaKip on Pexels.

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