The International Humanist Award recognises outstanding achievements and contributions to the progress and defence of Humanism. The International Humanist Award is usually made during IHEU World Humanist Congress.
2014: Gulalai Ismail (Pakistan), the founder and chair of Aware Girls, a charity which promotes the developmental and human rights of young women in Pakistan and Wole Soyinka (Nigeria), Nobel Prize-winning author
Leo Igwe was presented with the Distinguished Services to Humanism Award 2017 earlier this year, by IHEU president Andrew Copson
Levi Fragell and Sonja Eggerickx, past Presidents of Humanists International
Hope Knutsson receives the Distinguished Service to Humanism Award from Roar Johnsen
Gary McLelland rededicates the posthumous Anti-Superstition Award to Dr Dhabolkhar, who was killed as a result of his humanist activism.
Distinguished Service to Humanism Award
The Distinguished Service to Humanism Award recognises the contributions of Humanist activists to International Humanism and to organised Humanism. This award is usually made at the IHEU General Assembly.