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Young Humanists International / 8 August 2005

Can Atheist only be losers?

By Humphrey Musaazi       Humphrey Musaazi, an atheist and humanist lives in Uganda. He wrote this article in…
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Conferences / 7 April 2005

Bioethics: A Humanist Approach

[img]https://humanists.international/uploads/img41c81c0f8bbd6.gif[/img] [b]April 22 and 23, 2005777 UN PlazaNew York City[/b][b]Launch Conference of the IHEU- Appignani Humanist Center for Bioethics[/b]
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30 March 2005

The Continuum of Humanist Education (COHE)

[img]https://humanists.international/uploads/cohe_logo_red_trans.gif[/img] COHE is the Internet's first website offering interactive courses in humanist thought. Promoted by IHEU's Specialist Member Organisation the…
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