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Conferences / 18 December 2004

Bioethics: A Humanist Approach

[b][size=large]CALL FOR PAPERS[/size][/b] [b][size=medium]IHEU- Appignani Humanist Center for Bioethics[/size][/b] [i][size=medium]Bioethics: A Humanist Approach[/size][/i] [b][size=medium]April 22 and 23, 2005[/size][/b] The Inaugural…
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Growth and Development / 30 November 2004

Funding for Humanism

[b]IHEU-HIVOS HUMANIST NETWORKING & DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME[/b] IHEU is pleased to invite applications for the 2004 phase of IHEU-HIVOS Funding. Only…
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17 August 2004

England’s Creationist Schools

[img]https://humanists.international/uploads/creationist.jpg[/img]Plans for a badly needed new school for a small village in the middle of England recently hit the national…
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Campaigns / 12 August 2004

Veiling Young Girls

Recent events in both France and England have again focused attention on the wearing of the veil, headscarf or hijab…
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