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Young Humanists International / 5 November 2007

Michel Foucault

“Curiosity is a vice that has been stigmatized in turn by Christianity, by philosophy and even by a certain conception…
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Young Humanists International / 5 November 2007

Juan Goytisolo

In the autobiographical essay “Dialogues without frontiers“, Juan Goytisolo elegantly interweaves his conceptions of litterature through his rejection of all…
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Young Humanists International / 5 November 2007

George Orwell

A normal human being does not want the Kingdom of Heaven The quote hereunder is taken from George Orwell’s essay…
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Humanists International News / 5 November 2007

IHEU organization

An organization chart for IHEU is now available in the About IHEU section of the web site as a photo-chart…
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Young Humanists International / 1 November 2007

Norway: Tolerance workshop

 In Norway, the campaign was focused towards the members of the newly established organisation Humanistic Youth. We wanted to focus…
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Young Humanists International / 27 October 2007

Sharia Law

Humanists around the world oppose strongly the Sharia Law and have taken action against the existence of such law. You…
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Young Humanists International / 16 October 2007

Gay and Lesbian Rights

Humanism supports the right to self-determination and self-expression. Humanist organisations around the world have been actively involved in supporting Gay…
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