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Young Humanists International / 10 October 2005

Change of staff members IHEYO

The first part of 2005, Lars-Petter Helgestad worked for IHEYO as our executive director. He has now returned to Norway…
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Young Humanists International / 10 October 2005


IHEYO has joined IHEU. This was accepted by the General Assembly of IHEU and of IHEYO. IHEU is the umbrella…
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Young Humanists International / 10 October 2005

New Members to IHEYO

In the last YouthSpeak we informed you on our latest General Assembly. This is the highest decision making body of…
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Young Humanists International / 10 October 2005

IHEYO Conference 2005

This year, IHEYO organised its already fourth annual international humanist youth conference parallel to the IHEU World Congress. Actually the…
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