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Young Humanists International / 31 December 2008

IHEYO member: BundesJuhus

Dear IHEYO members, We are glad to be part of IHEYO in order to support and learn from other humanist…
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Young Humanists International / 1 December 2008

Book advice – Taslima Nasreen

Autobiography: “My girlhood” (1999) and “My youth” (2002) Taslima Nasreen is an author in exile. She is a feminist and…
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Young Humanists International / 22 October 2008

IHEYO member: HEF Norway

Human-Etisk Forbund (HEF) HEF, the Norwegian Humanist Association, is currently one of the largest Humanist associations in the world, with…
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Young Humanists International / 22 October 2008

Book advice and more II

Infidel (book) Infidel is an autobiographical book and New York Times bestseller by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, published in 2007. It…
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