Participants in the Social Development Foundation, India, humanist leadership camp, one of six organizations funded by an IHEU-Hivos grant in 2014
The IHEU-Hivos Humanist Network and Development grants programme for 2015 is now open.
IHEU-Hivos grants are available to IHEU Member Organizations for work in the promotion of Humanism, secularism, human rights, the scientific method, or which helps the organization to build capacity or new competencies.
IHEU and Hivos have been collaborating since 1988 to promote Humanist-oriented development, through human rights and Humanist networking oriented projects. All applications regarding this programme should be directed to IHEU as specified in the Grants Notice and Application Form (see below).
The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) is the world union of humanist, rationalist, secularist and atheist organizations with over 120 member organizations in more than 40 countries.
HIVOS is the renowned Dutch humanist funding agency, and a Specialist Member of IHEU, with headquarters in The Hague in the Netherlands, and regional offices in Bangalore, Harare and Costa Rica.
The IHEU-Hivos grants programme is only for organizations that are members of the IHEU (though “Applicant Members” may also apply), and which are located in developing countries according to the DAC list (PDF).
The deadline for applications is 21 March 2015. IHEU will notify applications of the result by 10 April. More information about grant criteria, timetable, funding availability and details about how projects will be assessed and monitored, can be found in the formal Grants Notice.