Two year development grants opened
Humanists International is making available £30,000 in grants to support organisations in developing countries over two years.
Humanists International is making available £30,000 in grants to support organisations in developing countries over two years.
Humanists International has made available a new round of funding to support humanist organisations in developing countries.
This is the fifth round of grants made available in 2019, following Regional Hub Grants that awarded a total of £12,500, as well as the Young Regional Hub Grants which distributed £16 500 to nine organizations, the Café Humaniste programme which offered 16 grants of £400 each (eight of which still available) and the Travel Grants to help representatives of our Member Organizations to attend our General Assembly in Reykjavik (Iceland) on 2 June, for a total of £6 100 awarded.
For this round of grants the goal is to provide financial support to humanist organizations in developing countries to effectively boost their growth and development.
The total budget for 2019-20 is £30,000. We are expecting to award three grants of £10,000 each for two-year period projects. Once awarded, organizations will work closely with Humanists International’s Growth & Development Officer Giovanni Gaetani, reporting to him every three months and discussing with him the best way to successfully deliver the project.
“Thanks to our generous members and supporters, we are able to give out more grants then ever before”, says Giovanni, “and we really think that the Humanist Development Grants could have a massive impact for the growth and development of some of our members in developing countries”.
“We aim to award the grants to humanist organizations that have a proven record of success, supporting them on a monthly base to help them professionalise and improve of their organizational development.”
“This is a big chance for the many small or new organizations around the world and we are sure that our members will not miss this opportunity”.
Deadline for applications is 4 August. All information are available on the dedicated page on our website.