The primary focus of this Emergency General Assembly of Humanists International is to deliberate and vote on a pivotal proposal for amending the Humanists International bylaws. The proposed amendment aims to introduce electronic voting to our General Assembly proceedings. The Assembly will be held online at 2pm GMT on Saturday 23 March 2024.
We encourage all members to attend this Emergency General Assembly and actively contribute to the decision-making process. To participate in this Assembly, please register by clicking on the following link.
In Section C 2.1 delete “a Member” and insert “three Members”.
After Section C 2.10, insert the following section:
“Election system
3. Election system
3.1 Elections to the Board will be held at the General Assembly.
3.2 Elections to the Board will be held using an online secret ballot system, according to the first past the post, or plurality voting system. In the event of a contested election, the candidate(s) receiving the most votes will be elected.
3.3 Only the one registered voting delegate for each Member or Associate may cast their votes.
3.4 To participate in the election, the registered voting delegate must ensure they have access to an electronic device with access to the internet.
3.5 The elections will be held in at least three stages: Election of Officers, followed by election of specific vacancies, followed by election of general vacancies.
3.6 To ensure that delegates will always have the opinion to decline to elect any of the candidates, there will always be an option to select ‘None – re-open nominations’, equal to the number of vacancies being elected.”
In Section D 2.6, add the following at the end of the clause:
“The office will try to allow any late registrations to vote, or to allow voting delegates to be changed, but this might not be possible due to technical or administrative reasons, or the physical capacity of the venue.”
At the end of Section D 3.6, add the following:
“Voting will usually be conducted by a show of voting cards, where each Member and Associate is given one voting card which corresponds to the number of votes they are entitled to. At the request of any delegate, or the Chair of the General Assembly, the ballot may be conducted by secret online ballot.”