We will be launching the 2019 edition of the Humanists International Freedom of Thought Report at the European Parliament on Wednesday 13 November.
The programme will begin at 13:00. Room: ASP 5E2 (note this is a change to the previously-advertised room number).
Please arrive at least half an hour prior to the start time (i.e. before 12:30pm) as you will need to proceed through security.
The Freedom of Thought Report is published by Humanists International, the worldwide umbrella of Humanist, atheist, secular and similar organizations.
The first edition was published in 2012 and covered 60 countries, and we knew that until the report had truly global scope we were omitting many serious problems faced by the non-religious. So we worked extremely hard to expand the 2013 report and since then it has included every country on the planet, as well as a rating system to assess the status of the country.
If you do not hold a parliamentary pass you must register to attend this event.