

FOTR Trouble Shooting Drop-in session

Working on a country entry for the Freedom of Thought Report? Are you stuck or have a question? Sign up to one of our monthly drop-in sessions run by our Casework & Campaigns Manager, Emma Wadsworth-Jones, to brainstorm and get advice.

  • Event Type / Humanists International event
  • Date / 26 April 24 - 26 April 24
  • Venue / Online

Emma will be running monthly drop-in sessions throughout the year. This event will only be held if individuals wishing to attend register at the below link.

The April session will take place at 2pm (UK time) on Friday 26th of April.

Open to anyone currently working on an update. To join, please let us know you’re coming here.

Need some advice, but you aren’t able to make it to one of these sessions? Please email: report@humanists.international. We will be happy to help.

While you are here...

As a registered charity and NGO, we rely on the donations we receive from our members and supporters to help us campaign on humanist issues, lobby for humanist values at international institutions (including the United Nations) and protect humanists at risk of persecution and violence. If you support our aims, please consider giving a one-off or regular gift today. Thank you.

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