

Freedom of Thought Report: Becoming a Volunteer Researcher

  • Date / 25 February 25 - 11 September 25

This workshop will give an introduction to the Freedom of Thought Report and explore how to undertake research to update country entries. 

Aim: To provide participants with an understanding of the Freedom of Thought Report and the research process with a view to volunteering as a researcher   


  1. To provide participants with a general understanding of the Freedom of Thought report and its uses
  2. To provide practical knowledge of how to undertake research for updating country entries 
  3. To give an opportunity to potential volunteers to ask questions about the research process 

Dates & Times:

  • Tuesday 25 February 11am GMT
  • Thursday 24 April 2pm GMT       
  • Thursday 24 July 10am GMT
  • Thursday 11 September 1pm GMT 


Céline Grey, Freedom of Thought Report Research Coordinator

Céline joined Humanists International in September 2024. She is responsible for coordinating the research for the Freedom of Thought Report and liaising with our volunteer researchers. Céline is based in France.

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