

2021 General Assemblies

26 July - 15 August 2021

  • Event Type / Humanists International event
  • Date / 26 July 21 - 15 August 21

2021 General Assembly arrangements

Following the cancellation of the General Assembly in Kathmandu, Nepal, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Humanists International will hold two General Assemblies this year:

  1. a General Assembly by correspondence (from 26 July to 9 August, using Election Buddy)
  2. a General Assembly Online (on 15 August, using Zoom)

The deadline to register for both General Assemblies is Wednesday 16 June at 14:00 BST. All registered participants will receive a detailed briefing with the instruction on how to attend the meetings.

Registration is now closed

Administration for Humanists International General Assemblies

General Assemblies deadline
Wednesday 16 June 2021, at 14:00 (BST)
Please email agenda items to office@humanists.international in the first instance.

This includes submissions for:

  1. Registration of all voting and non-voting delegates to the General Assembly
    Please use the Registration form linked above
  2. Nominations for the Distinguished Services to Humanism Award
    Download: Distinguished Service to Humanism Award nomination form 2021
  3. Nominations to the Board
    Download: Board nomination form 20121
  4. Nominating a proxy vote
    Download: Proxy nomination form 2021

Deadline for agenda and papers to be made available to all Members and Associates
Wednesday 23 June 2021
We will send the papers to all registered delegates.

Overview of the General Assembly – by correspondence

We will circulate an agenda for the meeting on 23 June. On 26 July the registered voting delegate for each Member and Associate who is in good standing (paid their dues) will receive a unique Election Buddy voting link and will have up to 9 August to vote. The quorum will be one third of the total General Assembly votes held by Members, providing those representatives are from at least three countries.

  • 8 March – General Assembly official announcement
  • 3 May – Draft General Assembly papers published (for feedback)
  • 16 June – Deadline for registration and for motions and amendments from Members and Associates
  • 23 June – Final General Assembly papers published
  • 26 July at 14:00 BST – General Assembly by correspondence is opened (voting delegates will receive their notifications and ballots by email)
  • 9 August at 14:00 BST – General Assembly by correspondence closed, and votes will no longer be accepted

Overview of the General Assembly – online

This online General Assembly will be held via Zoom on Sunday 15 August 2021 at 14:00 BST. It will be open to Individual Supporters of Humanists International and to voting and non-voting delegates of our Members and Associates. The quorum will be one third of the total General Assembly votes held by Members, providing those representatives are from at least three countries. The items of business will be the election of Board members and the ratification of applicant Members and Associates. Board candidates and representatives of applicant organizations will be expected to participate in the meeting, in order to be able to answer questions from Members and Associates. The voting will be conducted using Election Buddy, during the course of the live event.

  • 8 March – General Assembly official announcement
  • 3 May – Draft General Assembly papers published (for feedback)
  • 16 June – Deadline for registration, for nominations of Board members, and for motions and amendments from Members and Associates
  • 23 June – Final General Assembly papers published
  • Sunday 15 August 2021 at 14:00 BST – online General Assembly (participation instructions will be sent to all registered participants).

The Conference

On 14 August Humanists International will hold the 2021 Humanism Conference on the theme “Humanism in times of crisis”. The attendance to the conference is free, but registration is mandatory.

Register now for the Humanism Conference

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