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Young Humanists International / 3 March 2011

Editorial Notes

 This is the last issue of 2011 YouthSpeak. We good bye year 2011 here. With this IHEYO enters to 10…
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Humanists International News / 25 February 2011

A rare victory for Human Rights

On 25 February 2011, at a hastily called special session, the United Nations Human Rights Council unanimously adopted a resolution to seek the suspension on…
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Young Humanists International / 4 February 2011

Humanist Poem

The Guy Who Invented Religion by Cat He said: I want a barrier To divide Different people Who stood side…
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Young Humanists International / 2 February 2011

Presidential Note

 Dear readers of the YouthSpeak, January 2011 started already with promising highlights for the whole year like the World Congress…
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Young Humanists International / 2 February 2011

Editorial note

Dear readers of the YouthSpeak, At first I wish you happy New Year 2011. We assume everything went well in…
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