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Young Humanists International / 31 August 2008

News from India: Honoured killings

*Honoured killing are an illegitimate justification to  save a fragile caste structure?* Kill to Honour the caste system By Vidya…
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Young Humanists International / 31 August 2008

IHEYO member: Soch from Nepal

Secularism in Nepal and SOCH Subhash Chandra Kattel SOCH Youth Nepal is a secular, democratic federal republic state. It was…
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Young Humanists International / 28 August 2008

Gays cause earthquakes in Israel

 In a marked intervention in the Israeli Parliament, member of the ultra-orthodox Shas party Shlomo Benizri blamed gays for recent…
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Young Humanists International / 27 August 2008

Note from the chief editor

It seems that there’s no escape from the fanatic obsession with the USA’s primary election. Even we, young free-thinkers have…
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Humanists International News / 18 August 2008

August 2008 IHN published

The August 2008 issue of International Humanist News has been published. This edition includes features on the 2008 World Humanist…
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