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Young Humanists International / 6 March 2006

New Office for IHEYO

IHEYO has moved its office to Brussels and restaffed it; current employee is Gea Meijers. She will work for the…
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Young Humanists International / 6 March 2006


 Western press has manipulated their readers once again. Their governments and media have told people in western countries that the…
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Young Humanists International / 6 March 2006

Editorial note

Dear readers, IHEYO is proud to present to you our first issue of the 2006 edition of YOUTH SPEA K.…
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Humanists International News / 3 March 2006

IHEU history

Several new articles about IHEU history have been added to the web site. They include: IHEU Congresses IHEU awards IHEU…
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