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Young Humanists International / 3 March 2005

Atheist and Religion

Not all atheists (person who do not belief in the existence of any God or gods) are hostile to religion,…
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Young Humanists International / 3 March 2005

Executive Wishes

It is a common practice for people to shout ‘happy new year’ at the strike of 12:00 midnight of 31st…
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Young Humanists International / 3 March 2005


Dear fellow Humanists, I am indeed very happy that you are able to make the New Year. Congratulations! Even though…
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Action Alert / 3 February 2005

Tide of Hope

[img]https://humanists.international/uploads/img41d3e8886e0f1.gif[/img] [b]Field Report from ASM in Andhra Pradesh[/b] January 26, 2005 marked the one-month anniversary of the Tsunami, which had…
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