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Growth and Development / 6 December 2003

Funding for Humanism! Apply Immediately

[img]http://www.hivos.nl/graphics/hivos.gif[/img] Deadline 15 December 2003 IHEU is pleased to invite funding applications for the IHEU - HIVOS HUMANIST NETWORKING &…
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Humanists International News / 5 May 2003

Roy Brown New President of IHEU

Roy Brown has been elected unopposed as IHEU President for a three-year term by the IHEU General Assembly meeting in…
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Campaigns / 5 April 2003

Building Iraq as a Nation

The legitimacy of the UN against America's political goals: from IHEU's United Nations Representative, April 2003
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Campaigns / 2 April 2003

The war in Iraq

The war in Iraq: the need for multilateral participation In UN decision making -- From IHEU United Nations Representative
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