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Young Humanists International / 9 December 2011

e-youthspeak now available for download

The November & December issue of the International Humanist and Ethical Youth Organization (IHEYO) magazine, e-youthspeak, is now available for…
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Members and partners / 6 December 2011

Pink Humanist launches

The gay Humanist charity the Pink Triangle Trust (PTT) has re-launched its online magazine with a new title, The Pink Humanist.  The UK-based…
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Members and partners / 6 December 2011

Council prayers challenged

Public prayer will no longer be part of local authority council meetings in England and Wales, if the National Secular…
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Action Alert / 17 November 2011

Let Khalid Saeed stay in Sweden

The Humanist Movement in Sweden and the International Humanist community call upon the Swedish authorities to reopen the case of…
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