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Advocacy Statement / 2021 / Egypt / UN Human Rights Council / Item 9: Follow-up and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action /

Calling for open societies in Nigeria and Egypt

بيان شفوي الإتحاد الإنساني والأخلاقي الدولي  مجلس حقوق الإنسان التابع للأمم المتحدة ، الدورة 48  (8 إلى 13 سبتمبر 2021)…
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Status: Active

Case of Concern / Iran / Freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief / Imprisoned

Ahmadreza Djalali

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Status: Active

Case of Concern / Nigeria / Harmful traditional practices / Under Threat

Leo Igwe

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Advocacy Statement / 2021 / UN Human Rights Council / Item 3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights /

Rights of women and influence of religious fundamentalists

ORAL STATEMENT International Humanist and Ethical Union 47th Session of the UN Human Rights Council (21 June 2021 to 13…
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WordPress theme developer - whois: Andy White London