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Campaigns / 9 March 2003

Separation of Religion and State

Secretary General of the French Freethinker Association Christian Eyschen interviewed IHEU Director Babu Gogineni on "IHEU, issues of Separation of…
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Campaigns / 5 January 2003

Humanists Must be Released!

Humanists Shahriar Kabir and Muntassir Mamoons Must be Released! Bangladesh Government Impunity must End! The International Humanist and Ethical Union…
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Campaigns / 30 December 2002

Violence Against Children

IHEU Letter to the Independent Expert for the UN Study on Violence Against Children -- December 2002 -- To: Professor…
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Campaigns / 18 December 2000

Focus on Slovakia

As the European Union opens membership talks with six new candidate nations (viz. Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania and Malta),…
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