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Growth and Development / 1 March 2007

IHEU-HIVOS Grants announced

In June 2006, IHEU was awarded a three year “block grant” of €225,000 from HIVOS for the purpose of funding…
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Campaigns / 28 February 2007

Brussels Declaration launched

At a meeting on 27 February 2007 at the European Parliament, the Vision for Europe campaign launched the Brussels Declaration,…
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Humanists International News / 28 February 2007

Give currency to Humanism!

IHEU has embarked on the vital task of promoting Humanism in South Asia and in Africa where Humanism, human values…
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Conferences / 12 January 2007

160 Years of Freethinking

SYMPOSIUM 1848-2008 – 22, 23 and 24 March 2008 – Sorbonne, Paris 2008 marks the 160th anniversary of the 1848…
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Growth and Development / 28 December 2006

IHEU grant criteria published

Lawrence Jones, chairman of the IHEU/HIVOS Grants Committee, has commented on the criteria used to assess the grant applications in…
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