
25 January 2006

Dance 4 Life

In total contrast to the blinkered US government approach to AIDS prevention, a young Dutch organisation has launched an international…
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30 March 2005

The Continuum of Humanist Education (COHE)

[img]https://humanists.international/uploads/cohe_logo_red_trans.gif[/img] COHE is the Internet's first website offering interactive courses in humanist thought. Promoted by IHEU's Specialist Member Organisation the…
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17 August 2004

England’s Creationist Schools

[img]https://humanists.international/uploads/creationist.jpg[/img]Plans for a badly needed new school for a small village in the middle of England recently hit the national…
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15 January 2003

Making a Brighter Future

Making a Brighter Future: The poor conditions for Children and succesful efforts to better their conditions -- From IHEU's United…
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Growth and Development / 29 December 2002

Scholarships to visit Budapest

Scholarships for Humanists to visit Budapest Offered by IHEU Member Organisaton, Hungarian Humanist Association (HAA) The Hungarian Humanist Association (HAA),…
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28 November 2002

IHEU writes to ECHR

IHEU sends letter to European Court of Human Rights in Support of Norwegian Complaint To: The Registrar European Court of…
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