[img]https://humanists.international/uploads/cohe_logo_red_trans.gif[/img] COHE is the Internet's first website offering interactive courses in humanist thought. Promoted by IHEU's Specialist Member Organisation the…
[img]https://humanists.international/uploads/img412c1ea3d797c.gif[/img]IHEU Member Organisation [i]Nigerian Humanist Movement (NHM) [/i] has announced the subject for the Ndidi Obidoa-NHM Essay Competition 2004. Participants…
[img]https://humanists.international/uploads/creationist.jpg[/img]Plans for a badly needed new school for a small village in the middle of England recently hit the national…
Scholarships for Humanists to visit Budapest Offered by IHEU Member Organisaton, Hungarian Humanist Association (HAA) The Hungarian Humanist Association (HAA),…