
Advocacy statements

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Advocacy Statement / 2018 / Botswana / UN Human Rights Council / Item 6: Universal Periodic Review /

UPR statement on Botswana

ORAL STATEMENT International Humanist and Ethical Union UN Human Rights Council, 38th Session (18th June – 6th July 2018) General…
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Advocacy Statement / 2018 / Ghana / UN Human Rights Council / Item 6: Universal Periodic Review /

UPR statement on Ghana

ORAL STATEMENT International Humanist and Ethical Union UN Human Rights Council, 37th Session (27th February – 23rd March 2018) UPR…
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Advocacy Statement / 2018 / Bangladesh / UN Human Rights Council / Item 6: Universal Periodic Review /

UPR statement on Bangladesh

ORAL STATEMENT International Humanist and Ethical Union UN Human Rights Council, 39th Session (10th – 28th September 2018) UPR: Bangladesh…
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Advocacy Statement / 2018 / Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe /

Blasphemy and religious intolerance

THE 2018 HUMAN DIMENSION IMPLEMENTATION MEETING Working session 6: Tolerance and non-discrimination I, including combating anti-Semitism, combating intolerance and discrimination…
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Advocacy Statement / 2018 / India / UN Human Rights Council / Item 9: Follow-up and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action /

Caste discrimination and the practice of manual scavenging

ORAL STATEMENT International Humanist and Ethical Union UN Human Rights Council, 37th Session (27th February – 23rd March 2018) General…
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Advocacy Statement / 2018 / Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe /

Freedom of media in the OSCE region

 THE 2018 HUMAN DIMENSION IMPLEMENTATION MEETING Working Session 3: Freedom of the Media (11/09/2018) A free, independent media is essential…
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Advocacy Statement / 2017 / Mauritania / UN Human Rights Council / Item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention /

Blasphemy laws and freedom of expression for the non-religious

ORAL STATEMENT International Humanist and Ethical Union United Nations Human Rights Council, 28th Session Agenda Item 4: General Debate  …
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Advocacy Statement / 2017 / India / UN Human Rights Council / Item 8: Follow-up and implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action /

Hypocrisy in the context of freedom of expression

ORAL STATEMENT International Humanist and Ethical Union United Nations Human Rights Council, 28th Session Agenda Item 8: General Debate Speaker:…
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Advocacy Statement / 2017 / Bangladesh / UN Human Rights Council / Item 9: Follow-up and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action /

Protecting the right to criticise religion in Muslim countries

ORAL STATEMENT International Humanist and Ethical Union UN Human Rights Council, 35th Session (6th June – 23rd June 2017) General…
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Advocacy Statement / 2017 / Mauritania / UN Human Rights Council / Item 8: Follow-up and implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action /

Arbitrary arrest and anti-blasphemy laws

ORAL STATEMENT International Humanist and Ethical Union UN Human Rights Council, 36th Session (11 September – 29 September 2017) General…
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