

Register now for the 2022 General Assembly!

Hosted by Humanist Society Scotland

  • Event Type / Conference
  • Date / 03 June 22 - 05 June 22
  • Venue / Glasgow, United Kingdom
Book Now

The 2022 Humanists International General Assembly will take place in Glasgow from Friday 3rd June until Sunday 5th of June. The event will be organised in collaboration with Humanist Society Scotland.

The event will take place at the Sir Charles Wilson Building which forms part of the University of Glasgow. The weekend will feature a range of cultural and intellectual experiences, including the International Humanist Conference 2022 – read more and register for the conference on Humanists Society Scotland’s website.

Important: Registration for the Conference and Gala Dinner is separate from registration for the General Assembly. For the Conference and Gala Dinner you must register with Humanist Society Scotland directly. Also, recipients of Humanists International Travel Grants should not register for the Conference or Gala Dinner – you will be contacted directly as part of the Travel Grant process.

General Assembly administration and deadlines

This information is very important, and all Member and Associate delegates should read it carefully.

The 2022 General Assembly will be an in-person event. There will be no hybrid or remote participation. Voting will only be possible by authorised delegates who are present at the meeting in Glasgow. All the business of the General Assembly is government by our bylaws: humanists.international/resource/bylaws/

  • 31 January – General Assembly official announcement
  • 22 March – Draft General Assembly papers published (for feedback – this is not required by the bylaws, but is done as a commitment from the Board to increase transparency)
  • 26 April – Deadline for registration, motions and amendments from Members and Associates, as well as any other feedback on the draft papers
  • 26 April – Deadline for Board member nominations
  • 3 May – Final General Assembly papers and agenda published

Members (but not Associates) who are unable to attend can appoint a proxy (who cannot be a Board member of Humanists International). To appoint a proxy you must complete the form and return it to the office. Please refer to the bylaws for more details on appointing a proxy. Proxy Nomination Form 2022

Board member elections

Therefore there will be 4 places for election:

  1. President,
  2. President of Young Humanists International,
  3. Board member (restricted to candidates from Asia), and,
  4. Board member.

Nominations can be made by completing and returning the following nomination form: Board Nomination Form 2022

Nominations for the Distinguished Services to Humanism Award

Every year the Board accepts nominations for the Distinguished Services to Humanism Award. You can read more about previous award recipients on the awards section of our website.

Nominations can be made by completing and returning the following nomination form: Distinguished Service to Humanism Award nomination form 2022

COVID-19 regulations on entering Scotland and the United Kingdom

From 11 February 2022 if fully vaccinated* you will no longer need to take a COVID-19 test either before or after arrival in Scotland, or any other part of the UK.

If you are not fully vaccinated you will need to take a pre-departure test and a PCR test on or before day 2 after you arrive in Scotland. You will not need to quarantine unless the result of the PCR test is positive.

See advice from the Scottish Government: https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-international-travel-quarantine/

See advice from the UK Government: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus

*See the list of vaccine approvals for UK travel: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/countries-with-approved-covid-19-vaccination-programmes-and-proof-of-vaccination#approved-vaccines

Venues and accommodation

Humanist Society Scotland has set up a Portal to help delegates find a suitable accommodation near the venue: hmnts.in/Glasgow-Accommodation

Other venues are listed below, and are generally in the City Centre and West End areas of Glasgow.

European Conference & European Humanist Professional event Sir Charles Wilson Building University of Glasgow
Civic Drinks Reception Mackintosh At The Willow
Young Humanists International’s Games Night A pub near the Mackintosh At The Willow (TBC)
International Humanist Conference Sir Charles Wilson Building University of Glasgow
Gala Dinner Hilton Glasgow Grosvenor
General Assembly Sir Charles Wilson Building University of Glasgow
Training sessions Sir Charles Wilson Building University of Glasgow

Conference Outline

Alongside the General Assembly, Humanist Society Scotland is hosting the International Humanist Conference 2022 in Glasgow. This will be the first time they have hosted the event since they were established in 1989, and they will be rolling out the ‘tartan carpet’.

There are separate registrations for the Conference and the Gala Dinner and Ceilidh. See details below. (What’s a ceilidh?)

In the wake of the seismic changes brought about across the world by the pandemic, the worrying rise in anti-science rhetoric, the rise of fake news and tweeting politicians, and the climate emergency that remains largely unaddressed, the conference will ask:

“Is it time for a new enlightenment, and what role should humanism play?”

The Scottish Enlightenment brought progress in many areas of life including philosophy, literature, economics, science, medicine, architecture, art, and music, and enriched and improved the lives of many. The conference will explore how a new humanist Enlightenment could address the growing inequalities we face, the irreversible harm we are causing to the planet in the name of progress, disrupt the patterns of power that foster inequality, and challenge the growing body of anti-science and anti-truth rhetoric that threatens democracy.

Friday 3 June 2022
Day: European Humanist Professionals
Evening: Drinks reception
Evening: Young Humanists International Pub Quiz

Saturday 4 June 2022
Day: Humanist International Conference hosted by Humanist Society Scotland
Evening: Traditional Burns Supper and Ceilidh

Sunday 5 June 2022
Day: Humanists International General Assembly
Day: Professionals Training Sessions

Travel Grants Program (Applications closed)

In order to foster a global and diverse participation, Humanists International is making available a series of travel grants to help delegates from developing countries to attend the meeting. The travel grants cover delegates’ flight, accommodation, and visa application costs. On top of that, grant recipients will have access to complimentary tickets for all planned events, including the Conference and the Dinner on Saturday.

The deadline for applications was 7 November.

Please make sure to read the Travel Grants Guidelines before applying: hmnts.in/Travel-Grants-2022-Guidelines

The timeline of this Travel Grant Program is the following:

  • 21 September 2021: call for applications
  • 7 November 2021: deadline to apply
  • 22 November: award of the grants
  • 15 December 2021: signature of agreements, invitation letters sent to delegates
  • 31 March 2022: deadline to obtain a visa for the UK
  • April 2022: payment of the travel grants (only after the obtainment of the VISA)
  • 3-5 June 2022: General Assembly and International Conference

Before applying, please make sure that you are eligible to get a visa to the UK: gov.uk/check-uk-visa

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at ga@humanists.international

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